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Elizabeth L. Campbell

Assistant Professor of Management

Elizabeth L. Campbell is an Assistant Professor of Management at the Rady School of Management at UC San Diego. Campbell's research examines gender differences in career advancement processes like hiring, promotion, and receiving career support (e.g., mentorship, sponsorship). She takes a multi-level perspective in her work and focuses on the "microfoundations," or psychological processes, that contribute to systemic inequality in organizations, labor markets, and careers. To study these issues, Campbell employs a mixed-methods approach that combines qualitative and quantitative data from the field and lab.

Campbell received her Ph.D. and M.Sc. in Organizational Behavior and Theory from the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University. She received her B.A. in Psychology from Wellesley College. Prior to pursuing her Ph.D., Campbell worked in market research in Washington D.C.

Campbell, E. L., Aven, B., & Chow, R. (2023). From exception to exceptional: How gender and tenure impact sponsor effectiveness. Academy of Management Discoveries, 9(1): 17-45.

Campbell, E. L., & Hahl, O. (2022). He's overqualified, she's highly committed: Qualification signals and gendered assumptions about job candidate commitment. Organization Science, 33(6): 2451-2476.

Campbell, E. L., & Hahl, O. (2022, July 22). Stop undervaluing exceptional women. Harvard Business Review (digital article).

Gender Inequality
Career Advancement