A Welcome from Dean Ordóñez

Welcome to the Rady School of Management. As a dean of a relatively new business school, I assure you that we are not doing things how they’ve always been done. We are forging new paths and accomplishing great things. We are not just teaching out of a 20 or 30-year-old textbook - we’re doing the research and creating the knowledge that our students will apply to today’s world and beyond. We are asking the smart questions and adding to the knowledge that supports society and organizations.
There are a lot of great business schools out there, but what makes us stand out is our impactful research. Rady Faculty are involved in top-level research and publishing in top journals. They are doing something that truly matters: research that makes an impact on the world. For example, we have faculty studying how COVID is affecting our mental health and our relationships, how political party affiliation affects how we invest our money, how online product displays can shape consumers' buying behavior, and how differences in financial risk preferences can impact divorce rates.
My five-year strategic plan recognizes the robust biotech and start-up community in our region by focusing on STEM and health sciences. Our programs are strengthened by the partnerships we have across UC San Diego, a university renowned for specialties in these areas.
It is my strategic intent to ensure Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in faculty and staff hiring and in student recruitment. I believe that as a society we are at a point where advancing EDI is not only the right thing, it’s the smart thing to do. Organizations that are more diverse are more creative, more productive, and, at the end of the day, more profitable.
Here at Rady, we use data to forge new paths and discoveries. We are a community focused intently on intellectual discovery and learning — and on action. We develop principled, innovative leaders for industries that are transforming the world. Our students are both visionaries and guides, seeing the future, transforming data into action, and then taking others with them on the uncharted pathway to that future.
Please take a look at our five-year strategic plan to see the work we plan to do to chart Rady’s exciting future.
Dean Lisa Ordóñez