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Picture of U.S. map showing 38 states and D.C. now have live and legal sports betting.

Legalized Gambling Increases Irresponsible Betting Behavior, Especially Among Low-Income Populations

Rady School of Management findings emphasize the high financial risk associated with legalized gambling.

July 23, 2024

Agent Handing Over Keys as Buyer is Handing Over Cash for House with Home and For Sale Real Estate Sign Behind.

Science has an AI problem. This group says they can fix it.

An interdisciplinary team of 19 researchers that includes Marta Serra-Garcia of the University of California San Diego’s Rady School of Management has published guidelines for the responsible use of machine learning in science.

May 2, 2024

Agent Handing Over Keys as Buyer is Handing Over Cash for House with Home and For Sale Real Estate Sign Behind.

All-Cash Home Buyers Pay 10% Less than Mortgage Buyers

Reducing the friction between mortgage buyers and sellers could go a long way in promoting home ownership, according to new UC San Diego Rady School of Management research

April 2, 2024

"Silhouette vector of workers, a man climbs the career ladder instead of a woman. The concept of gender inequality and discrimination against women in their careers

Closing Gender Gaps in Career Advancement

Elizabeth Campbell, assistant professor of management at UC San Diego’s Rady School of Management, discusses the state of gender equity at work

March 21, 2024

Woman holding weight

Having Self-Control Leads to Power

New research from UC San Diego’s Rady School of Management reveals that people see those who have more self-control as powerful and want to give them power

February 27, 2024

Gerardo Perez Cavazo

Financial Integrity Oaths Reduce Corporate Corruption

Companies with executives that swore oaths engaged in less earnings management, reveals new UC San Diego Rady School of Management research.

October 26, 2023