Success Stories
More than 250 companies have been founded at Rady and have combined to raise well north of $2 billion. Beyond those companies, countless more alumni have gone on to become innovative entrepreneurs who continue to make a difference for their companies, their neighborhoods, and society as a whole.
Meet some of the men and women who got their entrepreneurial start at Rady.
Rose Fein and Kim Pendergrass
Co-Founders of Algeon Materials
Keegan McNamara
Three-Time Founder - Largest company is McNamara Real Estate Ventures
Natalia O'Connor
Founding Partner, Private Equity Firm
Cedric Paige
Founder of Incyte
Eirik Torheim
Three-Time Founder - Currently works at Torheim Pharmaceuticals
Manuel (Mac) Villarreal
Founder - I Eat My Greens