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Dean Lisa OrdonezLisa Ordóñez

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion. Pick one of these words and tell us what it means to you.

Inclusion is so important because creating a diverse (both in demographics and perspective) environment won’t be successful if people do not feel that they belong. Everyone has something to contribute, and I want to make sure that they feel that their thoughts are valued at Rady.

Can you share with us one professional highlight from your time at Rady?

I was named on the San Diego Business Journal’s Business Women of the Year Awards in 2022.

One of Rady’s guiding principles is that we are Community Focused. What has community looked like for you at Rady?

Community is about all of the people who have a vested interest in Rady’s success. That includes students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the business community. While we are not yet 20 years old, we have a lot of people cheering us on.

How has your time at Rady impacted your career ambitions?

I want to help the Rady School increase in quality and impact. To accomplish this, I work very hard to increase my knowledge as a leader and a fundraiser.

Beyond your professional life, what brings you joy?

Any time that I can spend with family and old friends who I knew from middle and high school.

Yu-Kuang Hou

Yu-Kuang Hou

MBA '23
Gregorio Figueroa

Gregorio Figueroa

Program Manager, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Steven Kempa

Steven Kempa

FlexEvening MBA '24