MGT 3 |
Quantitative Methods in Business
Quantitative Methods in Business introduces several techniques for developing and analyzing data to make informed management decisions, including statistical inference, probability, regression analysis, and optimization. Using these analytic approaches, theory-based formulas, and spreadsheets, students explore managerial applications across all areas of business activity.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 4 |
Financial Accounting
This is a lower division course that covers the basic accounting fundamentals including the accounting equation, transaction analysis, financial statements preparation and analysis, and accrual to cash reconciliation. There is emphasis also on working capital accounts: receivables, inventory, accounts payable, and accrued liabilities.
This is a cross-listed course. Credit not allowed for both MGT 4 and ECON 4.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 5 |
Managerial Accounting
This is one of the initial courses for the Accounting Minor that covers internal accounting fundamentals, including cost behavior, cost application methods, overhead allocation methods, break- even analysis, budgeting, cost variance analysis, inventory management, and capital budgeting. Students pursuing careers in business areas other than accounting, such as project management, may also have interest in this course
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 12 |
Personal Financial Management
Course examines management of personal financial assets: savings and checking accounts, fixed assets, and credit cards. Budgeting, loan applications, payment terms, and statement reconciliation will be covered as will credit ratings, cash management, compound interest, bank operations, and contract obligations.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 16 |
Personal Ethics at Work
Course examines the ethical foundation for choices individuals make every day both in the workplace and in their private lives, the connection between economic and ethical obligations with examples related to privacy, reporting, whistle-blowing, workplace relationships, confidentiality, and intellectual property.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 18 |
Managing Diverse Teams
The modern workplace includes people different in culture, gender, age, language, religion, education, and more. Students will learn why diverse teams make better decisions and are often integral to the success of organizations. Topics include challenges of diversity, and the impact of emotional, social and cultural intelligence on team success. Content will include significant attention to the experiences of Asian Americans and African Americans as members and leaders of such diverse teams.
MGT 18 meets UCSD's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) requirement.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 45 |
Principles of Accounting
Covers the principles, methods and applications of general accounting, cost accounting and investment ROI. Development of the three key financial reports and their interrelations, cost identification, product costing, inventory control, operational performance, and investment return calculations are also covered.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 52 |
Tests and Measurements at Work
This course introduces students to the psychometric, legal, ethical, and practical considerations of using tests and measurements for evidence-based decision-making in the workplace. Emphasis is given to selection and performance measurements for individual, team, business unit and organization-wide use in marketing, STEM and operations. Student teams will develop managerial recommendations following company specific research and analysis.
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 71 |
Business & Operations Management
Effective management of operations is vital to every type of organization. Competitive advantages accrue to firms that can excel in execution & achieve sustained & profitable growth. This course covers the systematic design, execution, & improvement of business processes, projects, & partner relationships. Builds up strategic framework of Operations & process management, followed by process analysis including primary Operations metrics. Introduces continuous improvement & Lean Operations
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 71R |
Business & Operations Management
The "R" in the course title signifies that this is a completely remote asynchronous course, so there is no official meeting day/time. You can engage with the content at your own pace.
Effective management of operations is vital to every type of organization. Competitive advantages accrue to firms that can excel in execution & achieve sustained & profitable growth. This course covers the systematic design, execution, & improvement of business processes, projects, & partner relationships. Builds up strategic framework of Operations & process management, followed by process analysis including primary Operations metrics. Introduces continuous improvement & Lean Operations
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 100 |
Customer Analytics
Prerequisites: ECON 120A or ECE 109 or MAE 108 or MATH 180A or MATH 183 or MATH 186
Students who have taken one of the prerequisites may need to submit an EASy request to receive preauthorization to enroll.
Marketers use empirical models to determine, support and evaluate a wide range of business decisions. This course covers models and estimation techniques commonly used for understanding segmentation, targeting and positioning; product diffusion; advertising response, among other topics.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 103 |
Product Marketing and Management
Sound marketing is one of the keystones of business’s success and students will study the marketing department and its role within a business organization. They will also examine how to define markets for products and services, how to segment these markets, how to target critical customers within various segments and what strategies can be used to position particular products or services within segments. The critical role of pricing will covered as will market research, product management, advertising/promotion, selling, distribution, and customer support. The importance and methods for meeting customer needs, particularly in the era of e-commerce will also be covered
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 105 |
Product Promotion and Brand Management
Prerequisites: MGT 100 or MGT 103
Principles and decisions to be considered in overall communications and promotion strategy for traditional channels and emerging social networks. Decisions on promotional mix, ad design, implementation and evaluation for establishing brand equity, measure brand performance and sustaining brand equity
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 106 |
Sales and Sales Management
Prerequisites: MGT 100 or MGT 103
Examines the sales function from strategic competitive importance to the firm to required direct sales skills of individual salespersons. Major subject areas covered are: the sales process, recruitment and training, organization and focus, "territories", evaluation and compensation.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 107 |
Consumer Behavior
Prerequisites: MGT 100 or MGT 103 *Students who have taken MGT 100 but not MGT 103 should submit an EASy request to receive preauthorization to enroll. The course identifies the factors that influence the selection and usage of products and services. Students will be introduced to problems/decisions that include evaluating behavior; understanding the consumers' decision process, and strategies to create desirable consumer behavior
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 108R |
Applied Market Research
The "R" in the course title signifies that this is a completely remote asynchronous course, so there is no official meeting day/time. You can engage with the content at your own pace.
To learn more about the class, watch this short video by Professor On Amir!
The business world revolves around managerial decisions, and those, in turn, ought to be data driven. In this course we will learn about planning, implementing, and analyzing market research, synthesizing multi-methods research, and presenting market research results. We will do this by actually doing it. We will go through the arc of formulating a market research question, exploratory qualitative research, descriptive quantitative market research. We will learn how to plan and conduct various types of interviews, learn how to design, execute, and analyze surveys, as well as learn how to employ cutting edge tools such as adaptive conjoint analysis to quantify attribute levels and trade-offs.
Yes |
MGT 109 |
Topics in Marketing
Prerequisites: MGT 103
MGT 109 is a rotating topics course. Students can repeat MGT 109 with different topics 3 times or up to 12 units of credit.
Introduces advanced topics of special interest in marketing. Topics may include advertising, consumer behavior, pricing, product life cycles, etc. This course may also cover the unique demands of innovation-driven, biotech, and high-technology markets. Fall 2024 ----------------------------------- Topics in Marketing – Social Media Marketing This course equips students with both the strategic frameworks and tactical skills needed to devise a compelling social media marketing plan that sets their organization apart from competitors. It covers fundamental marketing theories and latest trends, in social media, online advertising, and content creation. Although this course includes some hands-on experience with crafting mock posts and ads, our primary emphasis lies in honing students’ strategic acumen for social media marketing. This is not a course designed to instruct on the technical aspects of photography, videography, or editing software.
Winter 2025 ----------------------------------- Topics in Marketing – Marketing Communication
Spring 2025 ----------------------------------- Topics in Marketing – Strategic Customer Insight Topics in Marketing – Marketing Communication
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 112 |
Global Business Strategy
Prerequisites: MGT 45 or ECON/MGT 4 and MGT 5, MGT 100 or MGT 103, MGT 180 or 181 or MGT 187
To be a successful business leader in the 21st Century will require a sound understanding of global business strategy. This course will examine the traditional roles of multinationals, how new global possibilities have led to emerging business and organizational structures, and what ever increasing global competition will mean to the business. Equally important, students will be exposed to the complexities of evolving economic, social and political forces affecting global firms. Considering various future scenarios, they will develop plans and strategies for strategic business growth considering organizational structure, market strategies, required competencies, and competitive positioning.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 119 |
Topics in Business
MGT 119 is a rotating topics course. Students can repeat MGT 119 with different topics 3 times or up to 12 units of credit. Introduces advanced topics of special interest in business and addresses the new frontiers in the industry. Topics may include intellectual property, consumer behavior, market research, analytics and spreadsheet modeling, etc. May be taken for credit three times. Spring 2025 ----------------------------------- MGT 119 A00: Topics in Business – Innovation and Marketing Disruption New technologies are advancing at a breakneck pace, changing how we experience the world. In response, companies make strategic choices to innovate and disrupt markets to gain competitive advantage. This course will explore strategy, innovation, and market disruptions when new technologies are introduced to the world. The primary emphasis is to expose students to a series of “big picture” ideas and concepts and learn to apply simple – but powerful – methods in a series of case examples including Intel, Motorola, Ford, Uber, Tesla, and Boeing.
MGT 119 B00: Topics in Business – Data Analytics for Event Management Students will learn about the role of data analytics in the event management realm and understand how to optimize “the – connect” with event consumers. Students will examine the difference between the use of data analytics for marketing “of” and “through” the use of marketing – staging of events. The course will focus on five basic event data analytics concepts and their applications: pre/during/post event applications, brand marketing and market positioning importance, event sponsorship, PR/media channels, and digital event management/technology applications – traditional (print) versus non-traditional (social).
MGT 119 C00: Topics in Business – Creativity in Individuals, Teams, and Organizations
MGT 119 D00: Topics in Business – Management Consulting Project Winter 2024 ----------------------------------- MGT 119: Topics in Business – Managing Healthcare & Life Sciences The realities of limited resources, a complex system, and difficult ethics make healthcare one of the most challenging problems of our time, although it’s often described as a fundamental right. This course delves into the complex landscape of healthcare, exploring its challenges, opportunities for innovation, and global perspectives. Students examine the business aspects of healthcare, including the roles of stakeholders and strategies for addressing challenges. The latter part of the course focuses on innovation and disruption within the healthcare industry. Spring 2024 ----------------------------------- MGT 119: Topics in Business – Data Analytics for Event Management Students will learn about the role of data analytics in the event management realm and understand how to optimize “the – connect” with event consumers. Students will examine the difference between the use of data analytics for marketing “of” and “through” the use of marketing – staging of events. The course will focus on five basic event data analytics concepts and their applications: pre/during/post event applications, brand marketing and market positioning importance, event sponsorship, PR/media channels, and digital event management/technology applications – traditional (print) versus non-traditional (social). MGT 119: Topics in Business – Strategy, Innovation, and Market Disruption New technologies are advancing at a breakneck pace, changing how we experience the world. In response, companies make strategic choices to innovate and disrupt markets to gain competitive advantage. This course will explore strategy, innovation, and market disruptions when new technologies are introduced to the world. The primary emphasis is to expose students to a series of “big picture” ideas and concepts and learn to apply simple – but powerful – methods in a series of case examples including Intel, Motorola, Ford, Uber, Tesla, and Boeing.
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 121A |
Innovation to Market A
Utilizing lectures, readings, case studies, guest speakers and team projects, students will learn how to screen good ideas for good opportunities by examining market needs, the competitive environment, a go-to-market strategy and the management team. Students, working from team derived product/service ideas, will learn how to research potential markets, customers, partners and competitors.
Critical considerations such as pricing versus attributes, alternative distribution channels, and how to gain unfair advantage will also be covered. Finally, they will also learn how to communicate, both orally and in written form, their ideas and their market research in an executive summary.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 121B |
Innovation to Market B
Prerequisites: MGT121A and either MGT 181 (for Business Minor students) or MGT 187 (for E&I Minor students).
This is a second of a two course series where students grapple with the concerns of intellectual property protection, the financing needs of their projects, investment sources, operational planning, financial forecasting, key employee recruitment, business valuation and harvesting possibilities.
They will learn what goes into a professional business plan that they will be required to produce. Lectures, readings and case studies will be augmented with guest speakers and team based decision making. As part of the final, student teams will present their business ideas to a panel of experts.
Yes |
MGT 123 |
Business of Healthcare and Life Sciences
Healthcare is often seen as a fundamental right, yet its challenges—limited resources, a complex system, and ethical issues—create opportunities for innovation and disruption. This course will explore U.S. healthcare and life sciences, comparing global approaches. Students will understand the roles and motivations of key stakeholders, including patients, providers, payers, government, and industry, and how they address challenges and seek competitive advantage. In the second half, the focus will shift to healthcare innovation, with opportunities to evaluate current trends and new approaches.
Yes |
MGT 127 |
Innovation and Technology Strategy
Outlines frameworks & tools for formulating strategy to manage technology & think strategically in fast-moving industries (e.g. high tech, biotech and clean tech). Students will gain insights into technology, strategy, & markets, especially how disruptive technologies create opportunities for startups & transform established firms, & how technology firms achieve competitive advantage through tech-enabled innovations. Illustrated by case studies on cutting-edge startups industry leaders.
MGT 127R |
Innovation and Technology Strategy
Outlines frameworks & tools for formulating strategy to manage technology & think strategically in fast-moving industries (e.g. high tech, biotech and clean tech). Students will gain insights into technology, strategy, & markets, especially how disruptive technologies create opportunities for startups & transform established firms, & how technology firms achieve competitive advantage through tech-enabled innovations. Illustrated by case studies on cutting-edge startups industry leaders.
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 128R |
Business Innovation and Growth
The "R" in the course title signifies that this is a completely remote asynchronous course, so there is no official meeting day/time. You can engage with the content at your own pace.
This course is a gentle and technology-friendly introduction to business innovation, growth, and entrepreneurship. The course introduces students to the economic fundamentals that lead to business scalability and sustainability. Topics of Operations, Supply, Product, and Project management are also introduced. Students gain an understanding of the design and innovation approaches in business and entrepreneurship with exercises and a digital simulation.
Yes |
MGT 131A |
Intermediate Accounting A
Prerequisites: ECON/MGT 4 + MGT 5
This course is required for the Accounting Minor and builds on the basic accounting fundamentals of MGT 4 and MGT 5 by applying those fundamentals in typical practice. This practice includes preparation and interpretation of accounting information under both RASB and IASB guidelines pertaining to revenue expense recognition, receivables and inventories.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 131B |
Intermediate Accounting B
Prerequisites: MGT 131A
This course is required for the Accounting Minor and builds on the basic accounting fundamentals of MGT 4 and MGT 5 and the FASB and IASB practices of MGT 131A. This practice includes preparation and interpretation of accounting information under both FASB and IASB guidelines pertaining to property, plant and equipment, leases, intangible assets, investments, long term debt and stockholders’ equity.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 132 |
Prerequisites: MGT 131B
This course is required for the Accounting Minor and builds on the basic FASB and IASB practices of MGT 131A and B and provides the theory and practice of the attest process: planning and implementing the audit of the financial statements and internal control over financial reporting to ensure compliance with applicable requirements of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act. Includes audit methodologies, documentation of findings, client representations and the auditor’s report.
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 133 |
Advanced Cost Accounting
Prerequisites: MGT 131B
This course may be taken by a student who wishes to fulfill the accounting education requirement for the Certificate of Public Accounting (CPA). It builds on the learning of MGT 5 and MGT 131B and covers cost accumulation and analysis, for both manufacturing cost components and service activities, budgeting and cost projections, cost variance analysis, relevant costs, and capital investment analysis.
MGT 134 |
Federal Taxation- Individuals
Prerequisites: MGT 131B
This course may be taken by a student who wishes to fulfill the accounting education requirement for the Certificate of Public Accounting (CPA). It builds on the learning of MGT 132 and provides the theory and practical application of federal income tax regulations for individuals pertaining to gross income, adjusted gross income, itemized deductions, business operations, passive activities, property transactions, deferred income recognition and reporting standards.
Yes |
MGT 135 |
Federal Taxation - Companies
Prerequisites: MGT 131B
This course is required for the Accounting minor and builds on the learning through MGT 132 by providing the theory and practical application of federal income tax regulations for corporations and other enterprises pertaining to formulations, annual operations, distributions, liquidations, reorganizations, affiliations, and reporting standards
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 136 |
Advanced Accounting
Prerequisites: MGT 132
This course is required for the Accounting Minor and builds on the learning through MGT 135 by covering accounting topics related to consolidated financial statements, variable interest entities, foreign currency translation, segment reporting and business combinations.
Yes |
MGT 137 |
Financial Statement Analysis
Prerequisites: MGT 45 or ECON/MGT 4 and MGT 5
Examines tools and techniques to analyze a firm's financial position and performance. This course combines both accounting and finance in a practical framework for debt and equity valuation methods from both a conceptual and practical framework.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 139 |
Accounting Information Systems
Prerequisites: MGT 131B
Develop an understanding of transaction cycles (e.g., sales order and purchase order processing) with a focus on processing steps, internal controls, and data used. Gain hands on experience developing flowcharts, processing transactions in a manual accounting information system, and analyzing transaction data using Microsoft Excel and other tools
Yes |
MGT 146 |
Ethics in Accounting
Prerequisites: MGT 132
This course will focus on three major components: 1) what matters (the purpose of ethics in the accounting profession); 2) why ethics matter (the reasons, skills, and abilities that make a difference); 3) how a professional “walks the walk.”
The course provides students with the opportunity to gain knowledge, awareness, and recognition of ethical terms, theories, codes, etc. Students will be given the opportunity to practice making choices and exercise professional judgment.
Yes |
MGT 147 |
Not-for-Profit and Government Accounting
Prerequisites: MGT131B
Addresses issues faced in government and not-for-profit accounting. Students will gain insight into how and why these issues may have been resolved either similarly or differently from the for-profit business sector. Focus will be placed on how revenue and expense recognition, asset and liability valuation, the scope of the reporting entity, reporting cash flows, etc., differ in comparison to for-profit business accounting.
Yes |
MGT 148 |
Mergers and Acquisitions
Prerequisites: MGT 45 or ECON/MGT 4 and MGT 5
This course focuses on the use of financial accounting to express the economic realities of complex organizations as well as the deal structures and transactions that shape the design of these organizations. To this end, we will examine the accounting, economic, and regulatory aspects of a variety of different change-of-control transactions. We will pay particular attention to how the regulatory and institutional environment affects deal structure. We will also discuss the role of institutional investors—including activists and hedge funds—in influencing corporate reporting and governance policies.
MGT 151R |
Business Analytics
Prerequisites: MATH Requirement: MATH 10A or MATH 18 or MATH 20A or MATH 31AH and STATISTICS Requirement: BENG 100 or BIEB 100 or COGS 14B or ECE 109 or ECON 120A or MAE 108 or MATH 11 or MATH 180A or MATH 181A or MATH 183 or MATH 186 or MGT 3 or PSYC 60 or SIO 187
This course focuses on the concept of data analytics, and the convergence of data and business. From a practical standpoint, the course focuses on solving business problems by examining industry data, machine learning, statistics, and various forms of data analytics concepts. The fundamental goal of the course is to ensure students learn and understand fundamental interconnections and practical coding applications within the field of data analytics. This course is a distance education course.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 153 |
Information Technology in Business Analytics
Prerequisites: MATH Requirement: MATH 10A or MATH 18 or MATH 20A or MATH 31AH and STATISTICS Requirement: BENG 100 or BIEB 100 or COGS 14B or ECE 109 or ECON 120A or MAE 108 or MATH 11 or MATH 180A or MATH 181A or MATH 183 or MATH 186 or MGT 3 or PSYC 60 or SIO 187
This course is designed to help a business manager use data to make good decisions in complex decision-making situations. Students will learn core business analytics concepts and skills including Excel, relational databases and Structured Query Language (SQL), principles of effective data visualizations and interactive data visualization (e.g., Tableau), and data preprocessing and regression analysis using data analytics programming (e.g., Python).
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 155 |
Advanced Business Analytics
Prerequisites: MGT 153 or MGT 151/R
The purpose of this course is to introduce the students to the tools and methodology of prescriptive analytics. Prescriptive analytics, which employs analytics to formulate, identify, and solve business problems, offers the opportunity to move beyond gut reactions toward systematizing decision making in business contexts. Topics include discrete event simulation, dynamic optimization, revenue management, queuing systems and capacity management, and machine learning.
Yes |
MGT 160 |
Experiments in Firms
Prerequisites: MATH Requirement: MATH 10A or MATH 18 or MATH 20A or MATH 31AH and STATISTICS Requirement: BENG 100 or BIEB 100 or COGS 14B or ECE 109 or ECON 120A or MAE 108 or MATH 11 or MATH 180A or MATH 181A or MATH 183 or MATH 186 or MGT 3 or PSYC 60 or SIO 187
An understanding of how to design and run a good experiment will position students at the cutting edge of decision-making in business and policy. Students will develop their own experiments that can be implemented online and in organizations. Students will learn to: distinguish between a correlation and a causal effect; incorporate behavioral economics into experimental designs; randomize, analyze and critique experimental interventions; and address organizational concerns about experimentation.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 162 |
Starting Winter 2021, this is a 4 unit course. Previously a 2-unit course (Fall 2020 and before).
This course takes a decision-making orientation to Negotiation. The course will build cumulatively from (seemingly) simple negotiations to those of greater complexity. These structured negotiation exercises are used to isolate and emphasize specific analytic points and essential skills. Cases and readings should help the student integrate the analysis as well as to develop intuition about more complex negotiations.
This course is offered in two formats: 1) asynchronously, remote format, and 2) synchronous, in-person format.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 162R |
The "R" in the course title signifies that this is a completely remote asynchronous course, so there is no official meeting day/time. You can engage with the content at your own pace.
Starting Winter 2021, this is a 4 unit course. Previously a 2-unit course (Fall 2020 and before).
This course takes a decision-making orientation to Negotiation. The course will build cumulatively from (seemingly) simple negotiations to those of greater complexity. These structured negotiation exercises are used to isolate and emphasize specific analytic points and essential skills. Cases and readings should help the student integrate the analysis as well as to develop intuition about more complex negotiations.
This course is offered in two formats: 1) asynchronously, remote format, and 2) synchronous, in-person format.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 164 |
Business and Organizational Leadership
Today’s dynamic business environment presents a number of organizational challenges –– personal, interpersonal and cultural. Students will study alternative organizational structures, their stakeholders and corporate cultures and their use in meeting various strategic priorities facing a company. This course provides students with insights into motivational factors, communications networks, organizational cultures and alternative leadership styles. The concept of change management and its challenges is also studied along with power and influence.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 166 |
Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
Will cover ethical conduct issues for leaders from a wide array of organizations and industries including consideration of differences among global trading partners. The issues impacting corporate responsibility will be examined as will full-cycle cost analysis of products and services.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 167 |
Social Entrepreneurship
This course examines how entrepreneurs create and sustain social value. Students will learn how to apply entrepreneurial business and innovative skills to effectively tackle challenging social and environmental issues such as environmental degradation, rural health care availability, educational improvements in economically disadvantaged regions, famine in an era of obesity, and clean water development.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 171R |
Operations Management
The "R" in the course title signifies that this is a completely remote asynchronous course, so there is no official meeting day/time. You can engage with the content at your own pace.
Operations Management (OM) involves the systematic design, execution, and improvement of business processes, projects, and partner relationships. This course provides an essential base for all students who are planning careers in business, engineering and operations, and addresses core process analysis techniques and approaches. It goes beyond cost minimization and is an introduction to the core set of issues that firms large and small must confront and coordinate in their journey towards sustained scalability, growth and profitability. It also examines human factors such as psychological contract, team management, empowerment, employee-initiated process improvements, morale, motivation, rewards and incentives.
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 172 |
Business Project Management
This course covers the process aspects of (1) project management (planning, scheduling methods, milestone setting, resource allocation, budgeting, and risk mitigation) and (2) human capital management imperatives (communication, feedback, teamwork, and leadership). R&D road mapping and project portfolio management theory and practice will be covered as well.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 172R |
Business Project Management
The "R" in the course title signifies that this is a completely remote asynchronous course, so there is no official meeting day/time. You can engage with the content at your own pace. This course covers the process aspects of (1) project management (planning, scheduling methods, milestone setting, resource allocation, budgeting, and risk mitigation) and (2) human capital management imperatives (communication, feedback, teamwork, and leadership). R&D road mapping and project portfolio management theory and practice will be covered as well.
Yes |
MGT 173 |
Project Management - Health Services
This course covers efficient techniques for managing health services projects including both the technical aspects of project management as well as the human capital management issues associated with blending administrative and technical staff with healthcare professionals. Topics include: scheduling methods, milestone setting, governmental regulations, resource allocation, interpersonal skills, and performing research and development projects - all with a health services focus.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 175 |
Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management involves the flows of materials and information among all of the firms that contribute value to a product, from the source of raw materials to end customers. It is the most significant and critical component in most businesses and accounts for the bulk of the people, cash, and value-add in a company. This course explains how supply chains work, the financial impacts and levers, and describes the major challenges in managing an efficient supply chain. It also discusses various strategic and tactical supply chain issues such as distribution strategy, information sharing strategy, outsourcing, procurement, product design, virtual integration, and risk management. Credit not allowed for both MGT 174 and MGT 175.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 176 |
Strategic Cost Management
In today’s dynamic, uncertain and competitive business environment, companies don’t compete. Supply Chains Compete. This has been emphasized this past year through increasingly demanding customers, international trade and political tensions, national security concerns and, of course, the coronavirus pandemic. The supply chain has emerged as the main topic of discussion among industry leaders, the stock market, governments and service providers. This course will cover the key cost and working capital elements of the supply chain, the impacts on the financial statements and market value, and the levers in the supply chain. Students will learn about key strategic cost and cash applications such as Total Costs of Acquisition in Supplier Selection, financial and operational analysis in supplier analysis, and Costs-to-Serve in evaluating Customers. This class will enable students to understand the financial implications of the supply chain and international trade, discuss these with executives, and apply them in their companies
Yes |
MGT 177 |
Analytics and Spreadsheet Modeling in Supply Chain Management
Prerequisites: MGT 153
In today’s global economy, competition is not firm against firm, but rather supply chain against supply chain. Companies utilize analytics (i.e., the use of data, together with statistical and quantitative models, to make better, data-driven business decisions) to gain advantage in their supply chain management. This course covers the use of data analytics and spreadsheet modeling in decision-making involved in supply chain management, including logistics, facility management, fulfillment, and pricing.
MGT 180 |
Business Finance
Prerequisites: ECON 100A, ECON 120A, MAE 108, MATH 180A, MATH 183, MATH 186, or ECE 109
Due to course overlap, it’s not recommended to take both MGT 180 and MGT 181.
This course provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts in corporate finance. Topics include discounted cash flow, capital budgeting, bond and stock valuation, portfolio theory, market efficiency, the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), the determinants of capital structure and options. We will seek a balance between theoretical paradigms, the empirical facts, and their applicability to real world issues. Emphasis will be placed on general principles and problem solving.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 180R |
Business Finance
Prerequisites: ECON 100A, ECON 120A, MAE 108, MATH 180A, MATH 183, MATH 186, or ECE 109
Due to course overlap, it’s not recommended to take both MGT 180 and MGT 181. The "R" in the course title signifies that this is a completely remote asynchronous course, so there is no official meeting day/time. You can engage with the content at your own pace. This course provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts in corporate finance. Topics include discounted cash flow, capital budgeting, bond and stock valuation, portfolio theory, market efficiency, the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), the determinants of capital structure and options. We will seek a balance between theoretical paradigms, the empirical facts, and their applicability to real world issues. Emphasis will be placed on general principles and problem solving.
Yes |
MGT 181 |
Enterprise Finance
Prerequisites: MGT 3, MATH 10A, or 20A. Plus MGT 45 or both MGT 4/ECON 4 and MGT 5.
Due to course overlap, it’s not recommended to take both MGT 180 and MGT 181.
This course examines the financial issues associated with a broad range of organizations. It reviews the process of raising capital from several perspectives including: donations, bootstrapping, angel investing, debt financing and equity financing.
Topics include assessing and responding to the mindset of various kinds of investors, identifying sources of and ways to structure debt financing for growing firms, and deal structures for venture capital financing. Students will learn how to read financial statements and do financial statement analysis, recognize the importance of cash flow management, and understand how to value a company.
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
MGT 183 |
Financial Investments
Prerequisites: MGT 180, MGT 181, MGT 187, MGT 189 (only from Winter 2022), or ECON173B
Examines financial theory and empirical evidence useful for making investment decisions. Portfolio theory, equilibrium models, and market efficiency are examined for stock securities and fixed income instruments. Risk adjusted ROIs for capital investments’ impact on stock prices and free options will also be studied.
MGT 184 |
Money and Banking
Prerequisites: MGT 180, MGT 181, MGT 187, MGT 189 (only from Winter 2022), or ECON173B
Focuses on role of financial institutions, implications for firm financing and valuation as well as the Federal Reserve, financial regulation, the money supply process, and monetary policy. Mechanisms through which monetary policy affects businesses and credit channels will be covered.
MGT 185 |
Investment Banking
Prerequisites: MGT 180, MGT 181, MGT 187, or MGT 189 (only from Winter 2022)
This course provides an overview of the investment banking industry including IPOs, equity offerings, debt offerings, valuation, mergers and acquisition, private equity, asset securitization, prime brokerage, sales and trading, and market making. Students will also learn about the changes in the investment banking industry since the financial crisis including Dodd-Frank as well as the rise of boutique investment banking firms. Emphasis will be on traditional corporate finance which includes equity and debt offerings as well as mergers and acquisitions.
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Yes |
MGT 187 |
New Venture Finance
This course examines how innovation is funded and the financial tools necessary over the life cycle of a new venture- development, growth, maturity, and exit. Students will learn to perform financial analysis to determine the feasibility of financing new, transformed, and growing ventures. The course will also cover term sheets, valuation methods, and the role of private equity investors – angels, VC’s and vendors. Prerequisite: upper-division standing.
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Yes |
MGT 189 |
Topics in Finance
Prerequisites: MGT 180, MGT 181, MGT 187, MGT 189 (only from Winter 2022) MGT 189 is a rotating topics course. Students can repeat MGT 189 with different topics 3 times or up to 12 units of credit. Introduces advanced topics of special interest in finance. Topics may include behavioral finance, financial derivatives, portfolio management, fixed income securities, asset pricing theory, commercial banking, etc. May be taken for credit up to three times.
Spring 2025 --------------------------- MGT 189: Topics in Finance – Topics in Real Estate
The course will draw on the principals from corporate finance and investments and apply them to the context of real estate markets in their various shapes and forms (private vs. public markets; debt vs. equity). However, we may at times make reference to the complementary fields of real estate law, public and urban economics, design and architecture, and the economics of inequality.
Winter 2025 --------------------------- MGT 189 A00: Topics in Finance - Private Equity This course explores the private equity, including partnership formation, structuring, and objectives, as well as capital raising and fund management and selection, analysis, management, and exit.
MGT 189 B00: Topics in Finance - Collecting & Analyzing Financial Data
This course will teach students how to obtain and process data in order to answer empirical questions in finance. The course stresses two high-level objectives: algorithmic thinking, and transforming economic theory into econometric analysis.
Winter 2024 ---------------------------- MGT 189: Topics in Finance – Collecting & Analyzing Financial Data This course will teach students how to obtain and process data in order to answer empirical questions in finance.
Spring 2024 ---------------------------- MGT 189: Topics in Finance – Fundamentals of Real Estate Analysis The course will draw on the principals from corporate finance and investments and apply them to the context of real estate markets in their various shapes and forms (private vs. public markets; debt vs. equity). However, we may at times make reference to the complementary fields of real estate law, public and urban economics, design and architecture, and the economics of inequality.
Yes |
Yes |