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Master of Quantitative Finance

Distinctly Quantitative

Combining Data Science and Financial Modeling

The Rady Master of Quantitative Finance prepares you to analyze the large — and often multiple — real-time data sets that drive financial decision-making and risk management. Many of the empirical methods you’ll use have emerged from UC San Diego’s own world-renowned econometrics research. This emphasis on empirical data-driven methods sets the Rady degree apart from other finance master programs.

You’ll graduate technically proficient and ready to be a sought-after colleague, collaborator and incisive decision-maker.

Noah Conlon
“My Life at Rady has been amazing. I’ve had the chance to meet some fantastic people who have a passion for finance and are extremely smart.”- Noah Conlon, MQF '22

Key Differentiators

STEM Designated

Our STEM designation ensures that you will be equipped with the strong quantitative and analytical skills in demand by top employers.

CFA and GARP affiliate

Scholarships for exams and topical industry seminars and meetings are available to MQF students as a benefit of the program’s academic affiliate status.

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Stats & Stories

Meet our students and learn about their experience in the MQF program.

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Your coursework emphasizes cutting-edge methods for analyzing big data for financial decision-making and risk management.

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Meet a Few of our Master of Quantitative Finance Students and Alumni

Read first-hand stories about their Life at Rady, and how the data-driven coursework and support from professors helped them land amazing roles.

Meet our Students

Viraj Joshi
Matt Palma
Rohit Tappeta
Hanbo Wang
Noah Conlon
Esteban Velez
Siyuan Lu
Bhavia Velayudhan

Career Impact
See where a MQF degree can take you — and where our graduates work now.

Student Experience
Our community is genuinely inclusive and collaborative — relationships have real staying power. Learn more about the Rady School student experience.

Learn more about program qualifications, the admissions process, and program deadlines, or contact us to meet an admissions advisor.

Tuition and Aid
Everything you need to know about costs and fellowship and scholarship opportunities.